eBooks from MK Publishers
An eBook is a book delivered as an electronic file. eBooks can be read on your desktop or laptop computer, tablet or smartphone.
Memel / Klaipėda Philatelic Handbook
A 3-part philatelic handbook that covers: Postal and political chronicles, Postal rates and postal history, Post offices and cancellations, Fakes and forgeries, Air and rail post, Registry labels and other postal markings, Postal stationery, Perfins, Parcel post, Revenue stamps, Memel and Klaipėda stamps and stamp varieties.
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What happens when eBooks get updated?
You get lifetime access to your eBooks you purchase through mkpdirect.com website. Typically we provide eBooks to you in DRM-free file format — PDF. Our eBooks are fully searchable and enhanced with color images. You can print them. We also alert you when we’ve updated your eBook with corrections and additions.
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I think I found an errata. How do I report it?
Reporting errata
You can report an erratum by visiting the eBook’s errata page found here.